Bob and Weave

Uncategorized Oct 30, 2020

We talk about being able to “bob and weave” in practice.  But what does that really mean?

I thought I would share with you something that I recently did in my practice that demonstrates the “bob and weave”


Many of you know I have very specific new patient times. These are non-negotiable.  Meaning if there isn’t a NP scheduled there, NOTHING is.  And if all my NP times for the day are taken we move to the next available NP time.  I do not try to “fit them in”.  That is not how it works in my office and I am sure many of you would disagree with me, don’t care.


In the last 3 months our growth has been tremendous.  And as you may also know, I schedule adjustments at very specific times, and there are a specific number of people put into the time slots.  Well, because of the growth, our Mondays and Thursdays at 10 have become overcrowded and patients are spilling into the 10:30 time which is a NP time.


As we (my CA and I ) have been tracking, not only are there increased numbers of people at the time slot, they are having to wait too long with all the "covid" regulations.  We have also observed that the 11:00 time is less busy with adjustments, so what do we do?


We change the NP time to 11 and now we have opened up a whole new time frame for adjustments.  We shift everyone from 11 to 10:30, expand the adjustment appointment #’s from 10-11 instead of 10-10;30 and voila we just grew our practice even more without the stress of having people waiting AND I  still have a new patient time that gets filled.  WIn-WIN for everyone.  


Why write about this?  


Because often times we get stuck in our own way.  If we think or see that we have no available time there won’t be any new available time.  By just shifting the Np time to 11 I opened up a whole new world to my patients who all seem to want the 10:00 time, so being able to offer 10:30 instead of 11 had changed the face of my practice.  11 was too late for the 10 o'clockers but 10:30 was not.   


You have to be able to see the solution through the chaos, adapt and overcome.




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