Why should someone come to see YOU?

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2020

We do.... "safe, gentle, no cracking or popping", "no long term treatment plans or unnecessary x-rays".  This is the garbage that makes me want to throat punch Chiropractic "coaches or marketers". 

I can remember the day when I opened my first practice even though that was 29 years ago. (Which I've done 3 more times) Having studied business I knew the necessity of having a unique selling proposition (USP). WHY will someone want to see ME or want MY services? My best advice came from my own Chiropractor who got me interested in the profession (who many would have considered my "competition" in my area). First, never consider yourself "in competition" with ANY Chiropractor. Take a look around, how many dentists are in your area? Our competition is not us. There is 95% of the population who do not see the Chiropractor. Second, you will never be better by disparaging another Doc, in our out of your profession. Chiropractors do enough "circle the wagons and shoot inward", don't add to it. Be fair, be honest, deliver a great service, take good care of people and you will never have to worry about your practice. 

P.S.  Want to learn how chiropractors who follow the Everest D1/D2 collect MORE while working LESS?  Check out a Everest Bootcamp: Everest D1/D2




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