Everything Is Personal

EVERYTHING IS PERSONAL. We need to remember this when communicating with our patients or "educating" the public. It must be personal TO THEM. You must form your relationship or connection to what is personal to THEM.

                              Don't talk about "fixing back pain".  Rather talk about how that pain is                                    limiting their life, work, social time, or hobbies.

Many in the profession communicate what is personal to US.

                              Just get adjusted and everything will be alright.  Chiropractic FIRST. Let                                 the body heal from ADIO.  You get the picture, right?

Do you see why this is a mistake? Do you see why this hasn't worked? The connection must be made through what is important to them if you want them to invest time, energy and money into you and your paradigm.

As you fight for "space" in people's lives you must become relevant TO THEM. To become relevant to them you must connect to THEIR emotional, visceral needs and or wants.

This many times, initially, may be different from what you are "selling".

Connect with THEIR visceral emotional needs, wants and desires and they will follow you.

Try to connect THEM to YOUR visceral needs, wants and desires and they will NOT follow.

Remember EVERYTHING IS PERSONAL. Now go Commit some people FOR Chiropractic, but remember......EVERYTHING IS PERSONAL.



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