The Business of Chiropractic

The Truth About Growing Your Practice


I have been seeing this everywhere and I can't stay silent about it any longer!

“You just need more NP”

“You gotta offer free..”

“Tell the story..”

“Educate more…”

“We do the work for you so all you need to do is focus on giving the best adjustment…”


Please do not listen or take this to heart, because this information is not 100% true.


Yes, it may work every once in a while, but for the majority of the time, it is just a "quick fix" and doesn't work long term.


> Unless you have ZERO new peeps walking in the door, you don’t necessarily need more, you just need to know how to get the ones in your office to say YES to your services.  You certainly don’t need to give away your services, where is the value in that?  Why would you GIVE AWAY your adjustment?


Someone once told me I needed to offer a “free first adjustment” to get them in the door...

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Everything Is Personal

EVERYTHING IS PERSONAL. We need to remember this when communicating with our patients or "educating" the public. It must be personal TO THEM. You must form your relationship or connection to what is personal to THEM.

                              Don't talk about "fixing back pain".  Rather talk about how that pain is                                    limiting their life, work, social time, or hobbies.

Many in the profession communicate what is personal to US.

                              Just get adjusted and everything will be alright.  Chiropractic FIRST. Let                                 the body heal from ADIO.  You get the picture, right?

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