Top 5 Ways to Know Your Coach is Lost

I believe everyone should have a coach or a mentor that they can lean on to ask questions, bounce ideas off of, become better at whatever it is they want to improve on and be held accountable.  It is no secret: those who work with a coach or mentor are more successful, period the end.

What I don't believe in are the "coaches" or "influencers" out there that prey on our profession with outdated methods or false premises.

I have been through several coaches in my 23 years of practice and have vetted many more.

My grandmother used to say "there is a lid for every pot".  I am not knocking anyones choice out there, but I found more coaches and business management groups to be a farce: not listening to my wants or needs as a practitioner and only pushing their agenda.

So I thought I would share with you a few of the biggest turn offs I found when vetting a coach(and some of the reasons I left coaching groups).


1) The "coach" doesn't practice anymore.   For me this is a big red flag.  If they are not in the trenches, how can they keep up with the ever changing rules in health care, patient care, and understanding the consumer?  They can't.

2) Their procedures are too long winded.   Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has time to spend 1-2 HOURS in a doctors office.  And to be honest, I don't want to spend that long with my patients.  If I did, I would have become a psycho-therapist.  If a patient is in your office more than 30 minutes you are doing something wrong, especially in your consultation and report of findings.

3) The "coach" makes you sign a contract for lots of money.  This is ironic really because most people hire a coach because they aren't MAKING any money.  I am not saying there shouldn't be a fee in coaching, absolutely not.  My services are extremely valuable and I charge accordingly.  However, no contracts and fair trade for value is what you MUST look for.

4) The "coach" tells you group reports still work.  UGH! They do not.  People don't  like going to group ANYTHING anymore, and especially not when you are going to be discussing health issues.  Is that even HIPPA compliant?

5) The biggest turn off for me is the "work 5 days, see more, charge LESS and wear a white coat coach".  3 words: No Thank You.


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