The Business of Chiropractic

Lost Chiropractor?

#areyoulost? Oct 20, 2020

Have you ever been lost? (Trust me it was more common in the day of paper maps, if you were lucky enough to find one in the glovebox.) 

Unfortunately many in our profession are "lost". Primarily lost in their practice. Some have a direction in mind but no idea how to get there or achieve it. Others don’t even have a direction or an idea on what they want. The result is the same, they feel lost.  Being lost is a frightening feeling.  The the searching for a direction, the searching for that one thing (or person) to give us direction, to give us hope to deliver us to where we want to be. Until we can find this we are lost.

What does being lost really mean?  I don’t know where I am.  Do YOU really know where you are?  Do you really know where your practice is?  Is it where you want it to be?  Is your life where you want it to be?  If not, you are lost.  We have all been lost at some point in our lives.   Being lost...

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