The Business of Chiropractic

Is Your Front Desk Person Making or Breaking the Deal?

First impressions are key.  

Nobody wants to hear a bored, unhappy, phone greeting.  

Unfortunately, when calling different offices, not just chiropractic offices, that is exactly what we hear. 

Guess what? When I hear a bored, unhappy, couldn't care attitude on the phone, I won't do business with that person/office. 

The same goes for your office.

If your front desk person is having a bad day and she doesn't smile when answering the phone, guess what? Everyone will know she is having a bad day.  Not good for business, especially when we are in the business of helping people feel better.  Nobody wants to go where there is negativity.

So, how do you train your front desk to answer the phone? If you are leaving it up to their sparkling personality you are losing patients and therefore losing the opportunity to change someones life through chiropractic and make money while doing that.

Leave nothing to chance, including HOW your office phone is...

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Building a Successful Practice in Less Hours


Working LESS means working SMARTER and a little bit HARDER.  You have to be on your A game: structured, organized, and CONFIDENT.

Structured and organized in your procedures. Everything from the first phone call to schedule an appointment, your consult, explanation of what you do, exam, report of findings, adjusting "routine", table talk, you name it, it has to be "planned to look and feel organic".  When you know what you are doing that builds confidence.  Confidence that you are delivering the goods and healing patients and it doesn't matter that it only took you a minute or 2 to adjust that person because they just received everything they needed to heal and move one step closer to their health goals.

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